Logic installation at a residence in Malaga, Spain

3 March 2025

The installation of Logic in a residence in Malaga, Spain


The installation of Logic in Malaga: the best design for a refined and elegant environment

Are you looking for an elegantly designed platform stairlift and the most flexible mobility solution on the market today? What you need is Logic, the platform stair lift for straight stairs suitable for high-level outdoor installations, which need to maintain aesthetic appeal and, at the same time, guarantee functionality and safety for people and their mobility.

Why you should choose logic? Logic is the stairlift for the transport of people, capable of responding to multiple needs:

  • the elegant design makes it the ideal solution for environments where it is important to take care of the aesthetic aspect, as you can see from the case history that we will tell you soon;
  • the construction materials allow safe installation even in outdoor environments, where the stairlift is constantly exposed to climatic agents;
  • the modular conception of the rails and the possibility of being installed even without a specific project drawing – and therefore without the need to perform an accurate survey on the installation site – guarantee the maximum possible flexibility;
  • is available for delivery in a few days.

Here is the installation of Logic in a high-end residence in Malaga, Spain.

As you can see, the Logic stairlift has been installed in the external environment of the residence. The sober and minimal design and the materials it is built with make it the best solution for this type of installation because it does not interfere with the decoration of the structure and can be exposed to atmospheric conditions without being damaged. To complete the picture of the advantages that Logic offers, the flexibility of the stairlift and the possibility of delivery in a few working days.